Over 55 years of expertise and integrity in Solar Energy. Accurate sizing and calculations. In stock all off-grid energy components including Maine Solar workshop built pre-programmed inverter boards, ground mount solar racks, interconnected 4/0 battery cables. Pre-wired combiner boxes, European and U.S. Solar modules. Liquid tight conduit and cables. Shop built battery boxes, prewired component sales, expert design and technical experience.
Midnite Solar Renewable Products, Rolls/Surrette Batteries, Outback Power Renewable Energy Products.
Wholesale distributor of solar modules. Arriving weekly orders of Rolls/Surrette 2 volt, 4 and 6 volt batteries.
Thermal Mass Building Design
Designed to heat and cool passively through the Maine Seasons. We built our own Thermal Mass Home in 1978 and it works excellent!
Schedule a visit to our Shop, Tour the Showhouse, Learn about Expert Off-Grid Solar Energy!

Maine Solar Thermal Mass Building with Greenhouse
Maine Solar Shop Built:
Inverter Boards, Ground Mounted Solar Racks, Interconnect 4/0 Combiner Boxes,
European and US Solar Modules
Also available are: energy efficient water pumps, refrigerators and washing machines
Call for best prices on photovoltaic equipment.
Technical Support Included.

Off-grid solar energy systems panel array.